Thursday, July 22, 2010


Solar panels just don't make a lot of sense on bigger buildings. We have found out that solar panels just don't cut it in this area. If we were to install solar panels on one of our buildings the savings would be relatively small over the twenty year span, only about 2 % of the over all cost to install and maintain system. We are only looking at it to cut electricity costs. Maybe on the cabin to keep batteries charged and to heat some water. Go green they say at what cost and return though?

Power outage

Power outage last night around midnight, had some equipment failures but nothing like normal. What is normal though? Roof top units shut down and didn't reset, camera system went down and didn't reset. Fire panel had trouble but cleared right away, security system and building monitor same thing trouble and reset. Power was out for about 5 min, main did not trip nor did the generator start? Never know for sure what the cause was.


Camping was wonderful, it is always a real joy to get out and enjoy mother earth. Fishing, hiking and good camp fire food. Spent ten days out in the woods and really need to go back. Weather was just right, 70 during the day and around 45 at night.


We are in the process of remodeling an older building. New electrical panels, new windows here and there. Two new ADA bathrooms and entry. When all said and done, we probably will have spent more doing a remodel than building a new building.